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Sue Fox Named  in the "Top Ten" Most -Significant Female Boxers of All Time - Ring Magazine - Feb. 2012







Copyrighted by the Women's Boxing Board 
(no longer in existence), All rights reserved. 


In about 1980, Beverly Patrick, an advocate for women's boxing was involved with the magazine called WBB Glove. She was the "Chairwoman" of the magazine and came from Virginia.  Also members involved in this magazine was photographer, Jack Pokress, from New York, and directors that included Joe Bradley, California; Bob Carlitz, Pennsylvania, Johnny Dubliss, Canada; Mandred Kanter, Germany; Greg Payne, California; Tony Reed, California; and Carol Steinler, New York.

On page 3, Beverly Patrick writes an open letter to the "Ring" and specifically to Bert Sugar, editor of the ring.  She asks Bert, "Should Ring Magazine recognize female boxing as a natural adjunct to the sport of boxing and it as such?  Patrick then launches her letter about Bert making a statement that the sport was more a curiosity than a legitimate sport. She asks in this open letter that Bert retract his statement.  (Read page three for details). 

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The Glove then covers a boxer by the name of Ginger Kaufman, (page five.) This magazine also substantiates the documentation that Dallas Malloy WAS NOT the first woman to fight in a sanction amateur competition.

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The Glove mentioned that in May of 1978, Kaufman fought Anita Howard, Minneapolis in the State AAU Championship sanctioned by Minnesota Boxing Commission.

On page 7, there is an interesting clip about Dora and Cora Webber.  Dora Webber was not even boxing at the time but was just talking about getting into the sport. She later became a World Champion, and has fought for close to 20 years, and staying in the sport to fight Jane Couch, Gina Guidi, Lucia Rijker, and Sumya Anani twice!

In the centerfold on pages 8, and 9, there is one of the most famous pre-70's women boxers, Barbara Buttrick. She is hold a boxing card with her listed on the event to fight Phyliss Kugler, and it also lists her ring record. (Due to the amount of bandwidth these pages take, the material is on file with WBAN).

On page 10, the Glove reports, 
"As covered by TV Guide, Dianne "Blondee" Syverson won the FIRST live televised women's boxing bout ever on Thursday night, May 27, 1976.  Her worthy opponent - who had fought her to a draw in a nontelevised match in San Jose, previously was

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 Theresa "Princess Red Star" Kibby. (Little did the Glove have knowledge of that there was actually a televised women's fight in the 50's - 60's with Joan Hagen fighting on that card.  WBAN has the tape, but not the exact date as of yet.)

There are several fight photos by Jack Pokress with Shirley "Zebra girl" Tucker and Karen Bennett, when they fought for the World Bantamweight Title. It was a very exciting fight, and these were considered some of the very top women boxers at the time.   

Sue TL Fox -May 28, 2000



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