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Update on Alejandra "la Fenix" Ayala after being seriously Injured after her fight with Rankin?  Where is the help from this Sport?
by Sue TL Fox
July 8, 2024


(JULY 8) This week WBAN received an update on female boxer Alejandra “la Fenix” Ayala by Sinéad Babington who said that she finally had gotten up to Tijuana to see Alejandra and see her gym that she had opened before going to Scotland to fight over two years ago.  Babington said the following:

Alejandra, a real Phoenix that pretty much died and came back to life after having been left in a coma after her fight against Hannah Rankin in Scotland for ten days was even announced dead on some boxing pages on social media. Alejandra is the most positive, kind, optimistic person you could meet.

[WBAN covered this tragic incident after her fight with Rankin, entitled, "Thoughts and Prayers go out to Alejandra Ayala as she makes a recovery in hospital after fight with Hannah Rankin", article dated on May 17, 2022.]

Despite this, when asking for some financial assistance, she has been told to be glad she's alive, which she certainly is.

Alejandra has always talked very highly of Sam Kynoch of Kynoch boxing promotions who ensured the time in Scotland for her and her parents was covered while they waited months for her recovery.

The British boxing commission however always led her along saying they were checking with insurance but probably she won't get anything because she's alive.

Trips to Mexico city to get the necessary therapy to help Alejandra with her memory adds up and she can no longer work or even be left alone taking care of her son in case she has another epilepsy episode as she has had some in the two years since the fight.

In a sport where men can get paid hundreds of millions for just one fight, we're hearing of all the amazing super fights been made as @daznboxing @wbcboxing @wbcmoro @turkialalshik are all coming together to make super shows with endless money, surely some funds can be setup for boxers post boxing that have been left with the after effects of boxing.

For example, recently another female known to many spoke about her retirement due to brain damage---post boxing, bills continue and with all the money in this sport surely there could be a pension for these boxers.

Alejandra is a highly intelligent lady who has received scholarships for her studies in both Chicago and masters in Mexico City but her true love is boxing. She even stepped away from the ring during the pandemic when a number of fights fell through to become the first female commissioner of boxing in Tijuana. She has worked as a manager, matchmaker, coach and boxer and supported other young boxers while they debuted. She was not satisfied without her title shot and went back to being a boxer for what would be her last time to ever lace up the gloves in Glasgow, Scotland.

The Scottish flag now hangs in her boxing gym that she watches over for two hours a day with the help of another coach to do any padwork. She is so grateful to all the staff that saved her life and blessed that she was in a county with some of the best neurosurgeons in the world.

If anyone can help spread this or get in touch with those in power that would be greatly appreciated. A GoFundme page was set up two years ago and is still active. To go to that page to donate, go here Go Fund Me Page

In Alejandra’s own words on her GoFundMe page, she said the following:

“Hello everyone! My name is Alejandra “la Fenix” Ayala, professional boxer with 20 professional fights in Mexico, USA, Canada and Scotland.

My last fight was in Glasgow, Scotland on May 13, 2022 for a WBO and IBO championship. Despite an amazingly great 3-month training, I was hit in a matter that caused me to end the fight and go to the hospital where I took CT Scans in the emergency department. The result was a very bad bruise on the left side, and I became confused and physically worse so I was induced and given an urgent surgery to resolve the bleeding then inserted a cranial pressure monitor.”

“My intercranial pressure rose dangerously despite being in an induced coma so I was taken back to the operation room where I was given a second emergency surgery and a big piece of my head bone was removed and put in my tummy in order to decompress the swallow of the brain, and because another CT scan showed the problem of a formation of a clog in a venus trombosis the whole situation continued to be monitored. Nonetheless, 10 days later the doctor said it is dangerous leaving someone in an induced coma too long as it could cause very physical and mental problems. Therefore, I was woken up from the coma and one week later, a third surgery was performed to put back the flat bone.”

“This was a long process where the doctors told my parents I was likely going to die before and during the first two surgeries. Then before and after the third surgery they told my parents I was probably not going to be able to walk, remember the past or talk.”

To read all of her open letter, go here:  Go Fund Me Page

To all of our WBAN Readers, we very seldom will approve Go Fund Me pages, and are very cautious with this particular situation on WBAN---but everyone---Alejandra needs some assistance. Consider helping this young boxer----Sue TL Fox

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