(DEC 7) WBAN received a nice
update on Krisztina "Baby" Belinszky of Hungary who fought from
1999 to 2011! She is a retired world champion winning the
WIBF/GBU title when she was active as a pro boxer.

and Happy New
Years to all
WBAN readers!
The latest News on Krisztina...The
president of the Hungarian Boxing Federation, Mr. Sándor
Csötönyi, has asked Krisztina to manage the women's boxing
Krisztina told WBAN, "My special work is to find new young
talents and help them, as well accompanying them to
international competitions. I am very proud of the three present
students that I have. All of them won first prize at
the Junior Female Hungarian Championship in 2012."
"In the professional boxing, I also manage the competitors
of our Totobox-Promotion company."
"I have no plans for a "Come Back" as a pro boxer. I use
gloves only when my hands are cold."
"I wish Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to all WBAN readers
with the enclosed photo."
About Krisztina....
5'3" straw-weight Krisztina "Baby" Belinszky was born in
Budapest, Hungary on October 2, 1979.
She is managed by János Perutek Jr and trained by
Zoltan Kiss.
She began boxing as an amateur in 1996 and won the bronze medal in the Hungarian Amateur Championship in 1997
and the silver Medal in the International Cup of Szeged. She did not compete
in 1998, as the Hungarian government lacked the funds to support
a women's amateur championship.
Between 1999 and 2000, Krisztina won all of her matches, including the
International Festival Cup, Amazon Cup, and Budapest Championship. She
also won the gold medal in the 1999 and 2000 amateur Hungarian Championships.
Full Biography