(JULY 12) First off I would like to
thank the boxing community for all of the nice emails that I
received in regards to my son returning from Iraq recently.
It has been a spine-chilling time for me, and some sleepless nights
having him in Iraq.
Secondly, I have been told that there has been some chatter in a
As many of you know, I removed the WBAN forum long ago, due
to the viciousness of some people who are more intent in trying to
destroy others than talk about the sport. I watched many boxers, and
others get completely destroyed in forums in the past, and I said,
absolutely no more due to that fact. I do not even go into
them anymore.
When Dee Williams joined WBAN, Dee
wanted to continue the forum that was on the Woman's Boxing page,
and I respected Dee's decision about the forum that was on that
site. Dee Williams has been one of the best things that
has happened to WBAN. Dee developed the Master Search, has the
top of the line computerized system for ranking women boxers, and
has done a fantastic job on the biographies of the women.
A couple of issues were brought to my attention that came from that
forum. One was about a story WBAN did on someone's niece when she
was in a well-documented mismatch. That somehow WBAN is
conspiring or trying to hurt this person.
I did refer to
this boxer as a tomato can, because the evidence was insurmountable
that she was in fact not able to box. In that story there were clear
photos to substantiate the fact that this fighter was clueless in
boxing. But with that said, by referring to this person's
niece as a "tomato can" hurt him and his niece. I do apologize
for writing the story in a way that was not more diplomatic, and
causing that deep hurt.
Secondly, there are issues that were brought up about WBAN doing
websites for others that are boxing related. Anyone who WBAN
relates to in this sport, has a clear understanding that WBAN will
publish any and everything that is of interest to the public.
WBAN has a host of writers and photographers from all over the
world, that cover the sport, and they send in what they send in, and
it gets posted.
We also get many writeups from the boxing
community, press releases, etc. I try to get as much posted as time
allows me to do. I do the best that I can do, for the
limited resources that I have to run such a monster of a website as
WBAN, and I will continue to do the best that I can do.