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  Historical Article in 2005: Win the Bout--Shorten the Prison sentence!
By Sue TL Fox

November 10, 2005


(NOV 10) There was a fight that occurred at the Klong Luang Prison, Pathumthanee, Thailand on November 5, 2005. The contestants to fight---Nananko Kikuchi of Japan vs. Thailand’s Nongmai Sor Siriporn, who was making her pro debut.

Siriporn displaying the heart of a tiger, AND for not ever fighting in a sanctioned boxing bout, did quite well to last seven rounds with a seasoned boxer, as Kikuchi.

But, let me ask you....If you were a person who was fulfilling a prison sentence, and someone said to you, that you would  get a "Get Out of Jail for Free Card" IF you won a fight....how well would YOU fight to gain your freedom?

In many news sources, it states that this was somehow a "bargain chip" for Siriporn to shorten her prison sentence---IF SHE WON.

I can only imagine the sleepless nights Siriporn must have had in that lonely Thai Prison cell...thinking...hmmm...If I win--I get out...Ah...I lose,  I stay longer." Personally...they would have had to of put me out with "knockout" pills to get me to fall asleep with that kind of dilemma facing me in life. 

Another perplexing issue....The WBC stated that Siriporn was ranked #3 in the last two months (Oct-Nov) of their ratings---the ratings prior to those ratings (Aug-Sept), she was not even on the board.  (WBAN has these ratings archived as they were posted on the WBC).

Another issue...Siriporn was reported to have had eight pro bouts, winning all of them.  But NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE has any record of those sanctioned boxing bouts-except some emailed list sent out by an affiliate of the WBC. 

WBAN went up and beyond the call of duty to find one shred of documentation on Siriporn with absolutely no results.

But, all was solved on November 5th, when out of the mouth of babes....Siriporn confirms what everyone suspected. 

THIS WAS SIRIPORN'S FIRST PRO BOXING MATCH.   Siriporn stated to the news media the following, "She was better and stronger. Her right was hard. This was only my first professional fight. I need more experience to become a better boxer."

It was said from Prison authorities that Siriporn could be a role model for other prisoners...and as far as WBAN is concerned--she is. 

Not only has she dedicated herself to getting physically fit and to set goals for herself, facing her addiction to drugs, having a successful recovery from that addiction, and last but not least, she has a virtue that CANNOT go un-noticed. SIRIPORN IS honest. 

She told the truth, when others gave a wrath of BS about her background.

Of what has been reported to WBAN thus far, Siriporn has the potential to be a very good boxer. She has the heart and guts of a boxer---and WBAN wishes her well in her endeavor to become a champion in the future.


"A convicted Thai drug dealer lost her bid for the WBC strawweight title — and the chance to get out of prison more than a year ahead of schedule." Associated Press  (WBAN's Comment:  Yeah, a "convicted Thai Drug Dealer" who is the only one who seems to be able to tell the truth about her "own" boxing record.)

"Authorities also acknowledged Monday's match was a chance to portray the country's prison system in a positive light and counter widespread perceptions that Thai jails are overcrowded and dangerous." Associated Press

"Through boxing she was able to overcome her addiction and she sees this as a second chance in life," said the WBC's Patrick Cusick. "For her, this is a big, big break into her life. I mean, this is a real Rocky story."  Associated Press (WBAN's Comment: This is not a "Rocky Story" because the "make believe" Rocky had been portrayed as a boxer when he fought for a  "make believe" world title bout---not a pro debuter fighting in a REAL world title bout.)

"Prison and WBC officials said she could serve as model for other prisoners struggling with drug problems, which often include addiction. A majority of the country's 230,000 prisoners have been convicted for drug offences."  Associated Press (WBAN's Comment: Agreed 100%)

"She has 14 months left on her six-year sentence for drug dealing, but prison officials had promised her she would be released immediately if she won."  Associated Press   (WBAN's Comment: This is simply appalling -- Thank you Lord for allowing me the opportunity to be a United States citizen in the U.S.A. Siriporn performed superior for not being a world class boxer---she fulfilled her bargain---if prison authorities felt that she was worthy to be let out if she "won" the bout, then let her out----she did win as far as doing the best anyone could have possibly done with these kind of odds for a pro debuter in boxing.) 

"The Japanese contender expressed surprise that her victory would keep Nongmai behind bars, saying she had been thinking only about winning the match."  Associated Press (WBAN's Comment: Folks, how would you like THAT on your conscious that because you won, your opponent stays in prison---what a pleasant thought...)

"Nongmai is serving a four-year sentence for a drug crime. She has 14-months left before she's paroled. This was her first professional bout, although she had 5 previous amateur bouts (4-1)." 15 rounds (WBAN's Comment: 15 rounds---where did you get YOUR stats--hopefully from some unbias source. )

"Nongmai’s hopes dashed in the 7th, but she vows to fight on to victory. Aspiring world champion Nongmai Sor Siriporn’s dream of boxing her way to early redemption from a jail term for drug offences was dashed yesterday when she was defeated by her Japanese opponent in the World Boxing Council (WBC) women’s straw-weight world title bout." NationMultimedia.com (WBAN's Comment: Pathetic)

"WBC vice president and president of the Asian Boxing Council, Police General Kovid Bhakdibhumi, yesterday said Thailand now had several professional boxers with great potential to grasp world titles and it would be great to see a Thai female boxer winning a world championship."  NationMultimedia.com (WBAN's Comment: I can see it now---more unknown boxers on the WBC ratings that no other organization has ever heard of...wee...can't wait.)

"Sor Siriporn set the record straight after the fight though, “I didn’t expect to win the fight but I gave my all and did the best I could. After all, this was only my first professional fight.” Sweet Science
(WBAN's Comment: Thank you---Siriporn)

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