(APR 14) WBAN has been
following female boxer Patricia "Boom Boom" Alcivar in and "out"
of the ring for many years now. She is not only an amazing
boxer in the ring---but she is also a stellar athletic in other
areas "outside" the ring.

On Sunday, April 13th, at the
VanCortlandt Park, in Bronx, New York, Alcivar, aka Patty Boom
Boom, competed in the Urban Environmental X-C 10k Trail Race.
Alcivar was feeling a little nervous making her way to the
starting line as it is the toughest trail race in New York City
[NYC], taking the
participants through 6.2 miles of technical single track and
difficult terrain. The field was highly competitive with many
participants showing up due to the true arrival of spring.

It took Alcivar one mile into the race to warm up before
finding her pace. Her consistent cross training throughout the
winter months paid off during the challenging uphill segments of
the race and rewarding her with a great top 10 female finish and 3rd
in her age division. NOT to mention the prize of NYC's
best Carrot Cake!

Alcivar loves running and she
told WBAN that it helps keep her in shape when she is not
fighting. She was just a mere 16 years old when she ran in
her first NYC Marathon.
Alcivar told WBAN, "Finishing my first marathon gave me the self
confidence I needed at the time and I was hooked."
She has also managed to run at least one to two marathons each
year since then and she has completed a total of 19 thus far,
including 10 NYC Marathons, 2 Boston, 2 Marine Corps, 1 Chicago,
Philadelphia, Steamtown, Washington DC and Seattle Marathons.
WBAN would like to give a big congratulations to Alcivar in
regards to her impressive finish yesterday in the race and a
special "thanks" for keeping boxing fans updated on what she is
doing "outside" the ring!
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